A quote from the main article :
" Turns out that for the 1500 or so attendees ($6000 a ticket) at TED yesterday, each and everyone of them got a Nexus One from Google. Being that most of the attendees are influential, this may be a really smart move by Google. http://tiny.cc/XI6hj "
I'm not in a position to judge google's marketing strategy ! in fact I should be learning lessons from that move !
However, I can't deny the fact that I'm a n00b , trying to understand the following :
1- If some can afford the 6000 $ ticket and attend TED , but don't own a nexus one, it means they're NOT interested ! otherwise they can easily get themselves the device !
2-giving away such a valuable thing, really degrade the value of it !
giving nexus one to youtube partners was kinda smart , since they're already loyal , and aside from the promotional part , it can be considered as a reward for their hard work , u know they're sorta one team (I know they're already getting payed !)
Now, google, why do u give away such a huge amount of ur devices for FREE and refuse (delay) to sell ur product and gain money from many customers around the world craving for you're nexus one !
I kinda took it personal , it hurts me so much that google is giving away their devices ! are they that desperate !!!!! and why don't they sell it hear in KSA instead !
Saudis LOVE gadgets, just look at the BBs and iPhones around us !
P.s. maybe I'm getting the whole thing wrong, correct me if so, please :)